(Source: internetlivestats) As of 2022, there are ~1.8 billions websites (unique domain names). 17% of all websites, that is, ~300 million are active. The rest are parked domains or similar. Talk about CONSUME! But do you know what goes behind a website? Reading Time: ~7 mins
Could be Interesting! WebTechWe all have our preferred learning style. For me, when it comes to learning, I am more of a read, learn and do person. I prefer reading the materials than watching an hour long video. I believe reading gives me time to absorb and digest the knowledge, then, think of the potential implications. However, learning without an implementation is just an entertainment. So, I built and wired up this site to reflect my learnings. (Utilized Flask Framework, containerized with Docker and first deployed on AWS in Jan 2023).
Disclaimers: By no means, my write-ups are absolute truth. There are many different ways to achieve something. Besides, technology is always evolving and some of my posts might be outdated but fundamentals stay the same.