About Streaming algorithm: Flajolet Martin Algorithm

Published on 2024-11-10

I love streaming algorithms - they make you think! Since they can process data in (near) real-time, they are ideal for applications where immediate feedback is needed. Most of today's recommendation or machine learning systems are built on batch process, however.

Could be Interesting! Big Data Data Science

Year 2038 problem and Date Delimma

Published on 2024-09-29

Ever heard of Unix Epoch? An epoch is a fixed date and time used as a reference from which a computer measures system time. In Unix and POSIX, this arbitrary date and time is 1 January 1970 00:00, known as the Unix epoch. In a simple term, it is a time counter from 1 Jan 1970. But why do we need it?

Could be Interesting!

Nuts and Bolts of Chart Types

Published on 2024-09-15

As I was contemplating on how to best display the dashboard for stock analysis, I came across this Nuts and Bolts of Chart Types - I like its sarcastic tone, and to be fair, some of them have truth to it. I am going to leave it here for my future reference.

Could be Interesting! Data Science

Self-hosting this site on a Raspberry Pi with CloudFlare Tunnel

Published on 2024-09-08

Now that I have my Raspberry Pi setup, it's time to move this website (boring-is-good.com) to Pi.

Docker WebTech IoT Networking

Networking 101

Published on 2024-09-01

It's always a good time to go back to the basic. Simplicity at its best.


My Raspberry Pi 5 in Headless Mode

Published on 2024-08-31

Just a quick guide to kickstarting Raspberry Pi adventure from scratch - no monitor needed! 😗


Domain Name Registration and binding it to the Containerized Web App (AWS Elastic Container Service) with Load Balancer in AWS Cloud Service

Published on 2024-02-24

As of 2022, there are ~1.8 billions websites (unique domain names). 17% of all websites, that is, ~300 million are active. The rest are parked domains or similar. Let's unleash another domain to the internet. 😆

Docker WebTech

Deploying Containerized Web App (Image) to Amazon Online Web Service (AWS Cloud Service)

Published on 2024-02-24

Server-less solution (sort of)... we are paying for cloud service but we don't need to maintain our own server for scaling, security, etc. Popular cloud service providers are Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), DigitalOcean, Heroku and many more.


Docker compose

Published on 2024-02-24

Part 2 of Docker to the rescue! A short description of docker compose with a simple example: Docker Compose is a neat way to connect different docker containers as a single service.


Docker to the rescue!

Published on 2024-02-24

One of the issues we often encounter during software development is that our solution works in the development environment, but when deploy to the production environment, it miraculously stops working! Docker provides a consistent environment across development, testing, and production environments

Flask Docker

Features Engineering > Dimensionality Reduction > T-SNE and UMAP

Published on 2024-02-23

While their transformed data may not be used for further data analysis, T-SNE and UMAP (non-linear) dimensionality reduction techniques provide great values for data visualization!

Data Science

Features Engineering > Data Preprocessing > Normalize, Standardize

Published on 2024-02-20

Values of the features or variables in the dataset are not the same. Even if they are numerical values, their ranges can be quite dramatic. Ensuring that all features are treated equally in terms of scale and range is essential for the performance and stability of many machine learning algorithms.

Data Science

Features Engineering > Dimensionality Reduction > Principal Component Analysis

Published on 2024-02-09

When dealing with high dimensional data (known as The Curse of Dimensionality), it is often useful to reduce the data size for efficient computation. One such method, also very popular method, is Principal Component Analysis.

Data Science

Data Science Project Flows

Published on 2024-02-03

When I started learning about data mining (2021), it confused me. Maybe because I jumped straight into classifcations. There are so many different approaches for data science and I could not quite picture what I am doing. What helps me is structuring the flow..

Data Science

Tiny Spy Pixels in your email

Published on 2024-01-14

Do you know that email senders can track whether you have opened their mails, which devices you use, when did you open their emails and how many times did you reopen their mail?

Could be Interesting!

Binary Image Analysis - Part 1

Published on 2023-02-05

Human Brain is amazing! We can recognize shapes, colors and patterns almost instantly. Computing devices does not! That's why we, humans have to teach them image analysis algorithms. This post is part of Computer Vision Series.

Computer Vision

Installing Conkit and verifying with Hello, World Program

Published on 2023-02-05

The is the first step to the journey of getting started with Internet of Things (IoT). We prepare the working environment (Conkit) to develop the programs to run on the devices and verify the systems with infamous "Hello, World" Program.


Introducing Browser Add-ons! I don't gatekeep.

Published on 2023-01-31

I extensively used Browser Add-ons for my FireFox. It makes my whole online experience so much better! I wonder why people are not using them. It pains my heart to see people still waiting for Ads on YouTube 📺 to go away before they are able to stream the video...

Could be Interesting!

Have you ever wondered how fast "username is not available" is returned when creating a new account?

Published on 2023-01-30

In any system, there are millions and millions of users record. How could a system tells username is not available almost instantly. Enter Bloom Filter. 😎

Could be Interesting! Big Data

I am in love with PWAs. They are so cool!

Published on 2023-01-30

You know how we always have web version and app version for website? Example: Instagram web-login and mobile-login. Usually that means maintaining both website and mobile app. But Progressive Web Apps make the website to be able to add to home screen of devices (desktop/ mobile) just as native app!


How does a data packet travel? 99% of it travels through cables under the sea.

Published on 2023-01-30

Though we live in an increasingly wireless world, that connectivity depends on fiber cables laid on the ocean floor.

Could be Interesting!

Tidbits about web servers software

Published on 2023-01-29

Life is complicated. There are so many options to do something and every choice carries pros and cons. So is hosting your website 😬! In this post, we look at different types of web server software available in the market. Reading Time: ~ 5 mins.


What goes behind the website?

Published on 2023-01-29

(Source: internetlivestats) As of 2022, there are ~1.8 billions websites (unique domain names). 17% of all websites, that is, ~300 million are active. The rest are parked domains or similar. Talk about CONSUME! But do you know what goes behind a website? Reading Time: ~7 mins

Could be Interesting! WebTech


We all have our preferred learning style. For me, when it comes to learning, I am more of a read, learn and do person. I prefer reading the materials than watching an hour long video. I believe reading gives me time to absorb and digest the knowledge, then, think of the potential implications. However, learning without an implementation is just an entertainment. So, I built and wired up this site to reflect my learnings. (Utilized Flask Framework, containerized with Docker and first deployed on AWS in Jan 2023).

Disclaimers: By no means, my write-ups are absolute truth. There are many different ways to achieve something. Besides, technology is always evolving and some of my posts might be outdated but fundamentals stay the same.


Big Data Computer Vision Could be Interesting! Data Science Docker Flask IoT Networking WebTech